The British Horse Society has met Welsh Assembly Minister for Environment, Sustain-ability and Housing, Jane Davidson, in order to press for more equestrian access. Key representatives of the society attended the meeting, where the minister recognised horse riding as a growing and inclusive sport and an industry that makes a vital contribution to the Welsh economy. The minister welcomed the society’s creation of long-distance routes in the principality and their contribution to carbon neutral tourism opportunities within Wales. She explained the aims behind the Assembly’s programme of improving public access to the Welsh coast, which would cater in part for horse riders. The minister also drew attention to the new rights-of-way improvement plans that local authorities are putting into place, and recommended that the BHS worked with these local authorities to ensure improved opportunities for riding were implemented as part of the plans. BHS director of access, safety and welfare, Mark Weston, said: “This was a very useful meeting. The minister acknowledged the views we put forward. “It is encouraging that the Welsh Assembly intends to provide access for all users whenever this is feasible.”