HEREFORD youngsters are taking their cue from local police.

Young people at the South Wye Boys Group are now able to enjoy a game of pool on a new table thanks to the local policing team.

The youth group, run at Hinton Community Centre by Herefordshire Council's community youth service, had been making do with an older pool table at its Monday evening sessions.

But it was starting to look its age and was difficult to move and set up, so the St Martins and Hinton Local Policing Team helped buy a new one.

"We know that one of the major issues that concerns the local community is groups of young people gathering on street corners as there is a perception that this can lead to anti-social behaviour," said CSO Adam Westlake, from South Wye Police Station.

"In most cases the young people are actually well behaved, but they gather in the street because there are relatively few facilities for them to use in their spare time."