Woof! woof!

Hi it’s me again. Now the new website is up and running I thought I would just let you know how things are going down in the country.

Life is pretty good at the moment, although the hot weather of the past week has been a bit too much for my fair skin. While it’s good just to jump in the river and cool down my person doesn’t really like me running into the house afterwards, particularly if I shake myself dry. Humans, I really don’t understand them.

Just take the other day, my person was really moaning about the moles in his garden, they were everywhere. Well, with the benefit of my good hearing I found out where one of them was and, to cut a long story short, I soon got rid of it. It only took a few seconds. You should have heard the fuss he made, telling me off for being cruel. I can still remember the day he got someone in to put traps down. Cruel?, I should say so.

It was the same three weeks ago when he was complaining about the rabbits eating his young trees. Again I waited my time and soon caught one. it tasted nice as well. But he didn’t like it, said I should not eat wild rabbits, they could make me ill.

But that is the confusion, my person wants all these animals ‘got rid of’ but when I offer to help him, he doesn’t seem to appreciate it.

Are there any other dogs out there with a similar problem?