A GLADESTRY pupil is the proud owner of a Blue Peter badge after coming runner up in a competition.

And as an extra treat, 11 year-old Helen Davies discovered the much coveted item was accompanied by one of around 180 special anniversary editions produced to mark the show's 50th year.

Mum Paula said: "We don't know anyone else who's got a Blue Peter badge so we're quite pleased.

"She has been watching it for a long time and is always trying to think of ways to get involved."

The sports mad primary student, who lives near Lyonshall, was one of thousands to write and say why she would like to take part in this summer's olympic games, so was surprised to be named one of 160 runners up in the contest.

She told programme makers she enjoyed tennis, cricket and cycling, and how much she was looking forward to meeting Brilley paralympian Josie Pearson, who has since visited the school.

Mrs Davies said: "She has since written to Josie to tell her about the badges - she's a lovely girl and was very inspirational."