A HEREFORD osteopath is counting on former patients to get him through a fundraising challenge.

Dr Nicholas Handoll is competing in the British 10k run in London next Sunday (July 6) - but he’s doing it for the kids.

The Belmont-based specialist is running on behalf of the Foundation for Paediatric Osteopathy (FPO), which provides free treatment to children and pregnant women.

But it partly relies on handouts - and having raised funds for more than 20 years, Dr Handoll is now asking for a favour.

He’s asking former patients to provide at least £1 sponsorship to help meet the £1million bill the FPO needs to survive.

“If everyone we have treated as a child in Hereford would donate £1 for every kilometre I run, it would help these unfortunate children enormously,” he said.

To make a donation, contact 01432 356655, visit the branch at 70 Belmont Road, Hereford, or visit www.herefordosteopaths.co.uk.