PROTESTORS against a proposed wind farm have vowed to continue their fight, despite the destruction of campaign signs.

Members of the Stonewall Hill and Reeves Hill Conservation Group say they are determined to make their voice heard and will continue to demonstrate against plans to build four large wind turbines on the Herefordshire border.

Developers Bolsterstone Plc and Marches Green Energy want to build four 105-metre high turbines, which they say could provide renewable energy to power more than 7,000 homes for 25 years.

Those against the proposal say any benefits would not outweigh the damage the wind farm would do to the landscape.

Protest signs have been erected all around the proposed area but, over the past couple of weeks, most have been damaged or disappeared.

Paul Webb, of Willey, near Presteigne, said: “We are determined to peacefully express our views.

“If our signs are damaged, we will repair them and if they are destroyed or stolen, we will replace them.”

Leominster PC Andy Varden said a number of signs in the area had been damaged or removed.