WACKY WALKERS – Twenty-nine walkers enjoyed a warm, sunny morning’s walk along woodland paths on Saturday, June 28. The view from the top of Oyster Hill was well worth the effort. Two new walkers joined the group, and most stayed for a meal and drink at The Farmers Arms in Wellington Heath. The next walk will be in the Mid-Wales hills.

AFFORDABLE WARMTH – Prepare for the coming winter using Herefordshire Council’s new offer to all residents in the county. Keep Herefordshire Warm will supply cavity wall and loft insulation, hot water tank jackets, draught proofing, heating controls and radiator panels, all heavily discounted, and free insulation to the over-70s. A grant of £300 towards a fitted central heating system for the over-60s is also available. Call 01432 260398 for details.

VILLAGE LOTTERY – This week, David Macklin won £25 with his number 28.

YOU @ HOME – Help for the maintenance of your home is provided by this scheme run by Herefordshire Council. It is available to people aged over 16 who finds the pressures of maintaining their home difficult on account of disability and illness. All the visiting ‘handy people’ have been police-checked and carry identity cards. Types of jobs include: fixing blinds and curtain rails, repairing floorboards, shelving, doors, installing window locks, door locks, chains and bolts, unblocking sinks and toilets, replacing broken window panes, gardening, cleaning gutters and lots more jobs.

You only pay for the materials used. If you supply your own then it’s a free callout service. Call 01432 260757 to find out more.