THE impact of the Rotherwas Access Road on business will be examined in a new survey.

Herefordshire Council wants traders on the Rotherwas Estate to talk to them about transport.

The latest Rotherwas Travel Plan Survey, to be launched on Monday, will see more than 130 firms asked for their views on local infrastructure and transportation, from the impact of the access road to public transport and car sharing.

More than 2,500 people work on the estate and a fifth of the workforce completed a similar survey in 2005.

Councillor Brian Wilcox, cabinet member for highways and transportation, especially wants to hear from cyclists during the one-month survey.

“The last survey showed that about 20% of those who responded said improvements to the cycle network would encourage them to bike more often,” he said.

“Around 30% of those who work at Rotherwas and completed the survey live north of the river and we are hoping these people will benefit from the Connect 2 scheme.”

Hereford Pedicargo will deliver the questionnaires and the findings will be released in January.