A SCHOOL has been judged as outstanding for its early years provision.

Moor Park, in Richards Castle, has received the good news following an inspection by Ofsted which assessed the standard of education for its three to five year olds.

The quality of teaching and learning was judged to be outstanding with children making excellent progress with some working at levels that exceed those expected from their age.

The inspectors also found staff had a clear understanding of how children learn and demonstrated exceptional planning.

Other findings from the inspection, carried out this summer, include: ● Parents have informal opportunities to look at their child's record at any time on request.

● Excellent use is made of the premises and resources to provide an exciting range of learning environments.

● Children’s personal, social and emotional development is outstanding.

● Children are extremely motivated to learn because they are involved in the learning process.

● Children start conversations about their experiences, feelings and opinions.

● Excellent relationships are formed between children and with staff.

● Children are developing an excellent understanding of the wider world by learning about different cultures.

● The partnership between parents and carers is outstanding with excellent arrangements to share information.

● Leadership and management is outstanding.

The report also lists a number of improvements made since the last inspection. One of these was to develop the school's outdoor area.

Since the last inspection progress had been made with the creation of two outdoor play areas and a secret garden.