PARISH COUNCIL – At the April meeting, councillors heard Tina Woods and Jonathon Brooks, from Herefordshire Council, give an update on a recent housing survey which identified a need for a few affordable homes in the village and two possible sites. It was stressed that matters were at a very early stage and more inquiries and consultations would be needed.

Councillors co-opted Mr Michael Mullenger to replace councillor Ted Rees, who had resigned.

Concerns were expressed about proposed cutbacks and changes to the bus services.

A member of Herefordshire Council’s highways team is due to visit the parish on April 15 and will be taken on a tour to see defects that need attention.

WI – The WI meets at the parish hall on Tuesday at 7.30pm. Speaker is Lesley Wilding on My Time in the Royal Household. New members and visitors always welcome.

COFFEE MORNING – Next Wednesday, from 10.30am to noon, there will be a coffee morning and bring-and-buy at the Siward James centre. All proceeds for the parish church.