KIERAN WINS BAND TROPHY – Kieran Aspley, a seven-year-old from Knighton Primary School, has been awarded the Knighton Town Silver band Under 10s most improved player trophy by junior band musical director Cath Mellings.

BALLET TEACHER RETIRES FOR SECOND TIME – Brenda Beasley, a registered teacher of the Royal Academy of Dancing, has just retired for the second time. Brenda, who runs the Grant Beasley School of Dance, had been teaching ballet in Knighton for many years before retiring three years ago but was persuaded to come back. Now the students have taken their exams, Brenda has retired for the second time. She gave each girl a red rose and they presented her with several gifts, including an engraved glass vase, at a special performance for families and friends. There are still about 20 youngsters keen to learn ballet in the town who are looking for a qualified teacher.

RADNOR HILLS PRIZE DRAW – To mark the launch of the new Aqua 50 range of drinks, Radnor Hills has been running a prize draw since January. Entries came from schools all over the UK. The winning tickets were pulled out of a recycling bin by Andy Bates and Adrian Baker, of Tin Can Design. Local winners included Claire Davies, of Builth Wells High School, and Liam Lewis, of John Beddoes School, Presteigne, who both won a keyboard book and CD and Pip Jay King, of Crickhowell High School, who won a learn to play piano book and CD. All 580 winning entries received headphones.

FARMERS’ MARKET – The farmers’ and craft market on Saturday, from 9.30am to 1pm at Knighton Community Centre, will have a lot going on besides the fine selection of local produce. Teme Valley Environmental Group (TVEG) will have a public transport information table and Knucklas Castle Community Land Trust will also show plans for this exciting project. There will be musical entertainment in the cafe area provided by the talented and popular duo from Shrewsbury, Camille.

EASTER BONNET COMPETITION – There will be an Easter bonnet competition at 2pm on Easter Monday, at the clock tower, Knighton. It is open to all and is organised by KCAP Knighton Community Arts Partnership.

COMMUNITY CENTRE – Saturday is a Bazooka night and the committee needs help keeping an eye on the centre (particularly between midnight and 2am). The March Bazooka was a great success and we hope that this can be repeated. Much of this success was thanks to the police support, which will be less this time. Still, the audience was good natured and generally respectful. Volunteers need to be there to make sure people leave quietly.

EASTER SERVICES – St Edward’s Church, Knighton, 10.30am Holy Communion; Methodist Church 11am; Baptist Church 11am; Catholic Church 11am.

BOWLING CLUB – The latest whist drive at Knighton Bowling club organised by the ladies saw a good turnout. Winners were Jean Burgoyne, Olive Myhill and Mary Grimes, R A Jones, Mabel Evans and Shirley Moorhouse.

Consolation prizes went to Rose Parry and Dorothy Edwards, the longest sitter was Margaret Johnson, MC for the evening was Shirley Moorhouse. Thanks were given by Linda Parker and the prizes were presented by Olive Griffiths. Draw winners were Anne Price, Ted Pugh, Olive Myhill and Doreen Bowen.

LUNCHEON CLUB – The Luncheon Club in Knighton, which has recently moved to the Methodist Church, is run by Knighton and District Churches Together and has just celebrated its first anniversary. The club was started originally by Age Concern but has, for the last 12 months, been run by volunteers from Churches Together. About 50 people attend each week and enjoy a selection of meals. On the anniversary everyone paid a reduced rate for lunch to thank them for their support.

An anniversary cake was made by their own chef Tina Walker and cut by Doreen Avery, a volunteer from the start. Special guest was Sheila Arnold, from Link Line, who retired recently and donated surplus money to local groups. The club was given a generous donation for a plate warmer.

PLAYGROUP GIVE MONEY TO AIR AMBULANCE – Toddlers at Radnor Valley Playgroup put on a Christmas concert and raised £100 for the Wales Air Ambulance and Neil Lewis, paramedic, thanked the children and told them a little bit about his job with the air ambulance.