HEREFORD Market Auctioneers report the following prices at their weekly sale in Hereford on Wed-nesday, April 15.

Prime hoggetts (1,131): The most excellent trade up to £99 and a top price of 221.5p/kg (39.5kg, £87.50).

Meat is king with well fleshed hoggs very well sought after with excellent competition. Overall average 192.3p/kg, top price/ head £99 for lambs grading 50kg.

Spring lambs (278): A much larger entry of lambs and a very competitive trade throughout, up to £99 (260.5p/kg), with a marked premium for the well fleshed butchers’ lambs – 36-38kg the most popular weight.

Vendors are advised not to get the lambs too heavy. Overall average 223.0p/kg, top price/head £99 for lambs grading 38kg.

Store Hoggetts (179): The 179 store hoggetts met a more selective trade.

Those in more forward condition sold very well from £58 to £77.20. Plainer sorts ranged from £45 to £55 with a total clearance.

Ewes & Lambs (456): A tremendous trade on another large entry of 456 ewes and lambs. Topping the market, and creating great interest, were the small dispersal of Texel and Texel cross Lleyn ewes with the pen of 13 two and three year olds with 24 lambs selling at £164; another pen at £162 with others from £144 to £150.

Younger ewes were always in demand with a further consignment of yearling mules with young twins selling at £152 and £154. Two texel ewes with three stronger lambs sold at £156.50 with several best bunches from £130 to £150. Older lowland ewes with smaller lambs from £90 to £120 with keen bidding throughout. Hill type ewes included pens with well bred lambs which saw double couples sell from £88 to £117 with singles and nicer lambs from £67 to £84. Welsh ewes with singles sold at £67. Only the few backward sorts sold from £50 to £65. A total clearance effected.

Cull Ewes (767): Again a flying trade to £122 for Suffolks, £116 for Continentals and excellent competition for all sorts with best meated ewes the dearest, with the poorest ewes a more selective trade but still very well sold.

Overall average – £64.74, Suffolks to £122, £114.50, £112, Continentals £116, £106, £101, £100, North Country mules £90, Welsh mules £87.50, Speckles £70, Welsh £62.50, cull rams £95, cull wethers £70.

Pigs (101): Very good trade on good sorts, a total clearance. It is helpful if vendors scan enter their stock prior to auction. This week there were 33 entered but 101 pigs arrived. Good trade on barren sows selling to £204 and boars to £168. Weaners (white) to £29, (coloured) from £17-£36, stores (white) £25-£51, (coloured) £35-£42, porkers (white) £75-£79, (coloured) £70-£75, cutters (white) £60-£90, (coloured) £49-£73, bacon (white) £88- £110, feeding sows £60-£103, fat sows £170-£204, boars to £168.