ABOUT 80 Herefordshire people danced the day away in support of a Peterchurch schoolboy.

Adults and youngsters enjoyed a two-hour sport session at Hereford Leisure Centre to raise £400 towards pioneering treatment that could help 10-year-old Josh Dovey and other Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) sufferers.

His mum Pauline Brace, who organised the event as part of her work with a related charity called Action Duchenne, said it was great fun and the dancers were brilliant.

It was the first of various county fund-raisers that could help the charity potentially repair faulty genes in those with DMD nationwide.

The next event is a sponsored teddy bears’ picnic and toddle, again at Hereford Leisure Centre, on May 24 at 11.30am.

Children can register for £3 each to receive a T-shirt and entry into a teddy prize draw, with each accompanying adult going free.

Information packs and sponsor forms for walks ranging from 100 to 400 metres will then be sent out.

For more information call 01981 550878, e-mail pauline @actionduchenne.org, or pick up a registration form from Hereford Leisure Centre.

To donate visit justgiving.com/teddytoddle.