LOTS of people are comfortable with the thought of donating their hearts, kidneys or eyes for medical research.

But it seems very few have considered donating their brains.

The Parkinson’s Disease Society (PDS) is desperately short of this part of the human body, which it needs to help further the research to discover a cure for the distressing disease.

The shortage of brain donors is hindering scientists in finding a cure, it says.

The PDS claims there are about 10,000 people with Parkinson’s in the West Midlands, but only about 80 registered donors.

Nationally, Jane Asher, Jeremy Paxman and John Stapleton are said to be pledging during Parkinson’s Awareness Week this month to donate their brains when the time comes.

The PDS wants 2,000 donors by the end of this year and is urging people in Herefordshire to register and help swell the numbers by calling 0808 8000303, visiting parkinsons.org.uk/brainbank or emailing pdbrain@imperial.org.uk.