THE county held a successful annual meeting at Bridstow Village Hall, Ross-on-Wye, on Thursday, April 16, when Brenda Drake was elected as our new county chairman and Pat Burnett as secretary, both from Hereford City Guild.

The retiring chairman Margaret Watkins thanked everyone for their support and friendship during the past three years and she and retiring secretary Peggy Bower, both from Rose Guild, were presented with gift tokens on our behalf. There followed a visual presentation by Charlotte Jones, a member of Hereford Senior Section Girl Guides, of her journey to Russia with other members from Hereford, Worcester and Shropshire, to meet and teach something of life in England to a large group of Russian Girl Guides.

It was a wonderful experience for all, learning and having fun together despite language difficulties, and Girl Guiding UK and the Trefoil Guild offer these opportunities to all.

An interesting evening was rounded off with delicious refreshments supplied by Ross Guild and enjoyed by all, including our two new county commissioners for Girl Guiding UK, Lesley Jones and Sue Cornwall. For information on the Trefoil Guild, call Brenda Drake on 01432 356653.