DRAMATIC EVENTS – Eardisley Little Theatre Club’s hugely entertaining entry in the regional quarter finals of the All-England Theatre Festival, held in Evesham, included special effects, scenery and a cast of 25 that impressed both audience and the festival’s adjudicator, Jane Levan. All six entries were performed to a high standard, but it was the Hereford Players’ Melody and Laundry Girls, performed by a youth group from Wem, that go forward to the semi-final in Burton on Trent.

TEA PARTY – Tomorrow (Friday), Heather Love is holding her annual tea party in aid of Save the Children. Money raised at this event can be used to pay for vaccinations, antibiotics and such simple things as mosquito nets to save lives. Please come along to Camilla Cottage, between 2pm and 4pm, and enjoy a very pleasant afternoon, in good company. There will be a cake stall as well as a bring and buy and a raffle.

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION – The annual coffee morning and plant and cake sale will be in the village hall on Saturday, May 16. This is a good opportunity to meet up with friends and to buy plants for summer planting.

Tea and chat today (Thursday) in the Methodist Chapel from 2.30pm.