A HOST of visitors went down to the woods last Sunday to help coppice workers in Herefordshire celebrate National Beanpole Week.

Pea sticks, plant supports and craft demonstrations were the order of the day at Moreton Wood, alongside readings from author Archie Miles and face painting for children who wanted to look like their favourite woodland creature.

The fun was arranged to highlight the benefits of using locally coppiced wood as opposed to imported bamboo canes during celebrations set up by the Small Woods Association.

Paul Morton, who manages the 38-acre site in Ullingswick, said: “As well as providing us with eco-friendly wood, traditionally coppiced woodland creates really important wildlife habitat for threatened species such as butterflies and wild flowers. It also supports hundreds of coppicing jobs, keeping work in the countryside.”

National Beanpole Week runs nationwide until Sunday at various sites across the country.