Finished Cattle - 432: A good entry for a Bank Holiday sold to a comparable trade to last week. Not as many men around the ring but the same number of firms were in fact represented.

Prices were as follows:- LIGHT STEERS Also rans to 129.0p av.


MEDIUM STEERS Best quality to 165.0p av. 162.6p, Standard quality to 154.5p av.

147.0p; Also rans to 139.5p; Overall average 153.1p.

HEAVY STEERS Best quality to 176.5p av. 161.8p; Standard quality to 154.5p av.

147.7p; Also rans to 139.5p; Overall average 150.5p.

MEDIUM HEIFERS Best quality to 188.5p av. 168.4p; Standard quality to 153.5p av.

147.7p; Also rans to 139.5p; Overall average 153.6p.

HEAVY HEIFERS Best quality to 188.5p av. 167.9p; Standard quality to 157.5p av.

148.7p; Also rans to 139.5p; Overall average 150.6p.

Barren Cows - 48: A very good trade indeed. Best cows up to 141.0p per kilo and an overall average of 109.3p per kilo to include some very plain boning cows.

Finished Sheep – 3,456: An excellent trade on the clean sheep.

Plenty of buyers in attendance. Prices were as follows: Light Lambs to 214.5p av. 214.5p Standard Lambs to 232.0p av. 223.7p Medium Lambs to 233.5p av. 220.4p Heavy Lambs to 182.0p av. av. 182.0p Hoggets: It was very much an end-of-season entry of hoggets. Prices: Standard Hoggets to 164.0p av. 161.0p Medium Hoggets to 178.5p av. 168.7p Heavy Hoggets to 177.0p av. 168.4p.