THE second Sollershope Church Duck Race will be held on Sunday (Rogation Sunday).

The ducks are back in training but a different stretch of the stream is being used and the ducks have not yet seen it so there will not be any cheating.

There is a prize of £25 for the winning duck in the race and many have already been backed at a cost of £1 each.

Tickets can be obtained in advance from Judy Powell on 01989 740213.

St Michael’s Church, Sollershope, celebrates Rogation Sunday with an outdoor service in the churchyard at 11.15am – to which people may bring their pet animals.

Following this, at about noon, a traditional county fair will be held and, in addition to the duck race, there will be a pet show, when adults and children will be able to enter their pets in a variety of classes.

There will be hot food, refreshments and a variety of stalls, together with lots of other activities for all the family.

Proceeds are in aid of St Michael’s Church.