COFFEE MORNING – The coffee morning held at Mike and Megan Harrolds was a huge success, raising in excess of £200. Thank you to all who attended, baked cakes and provided raffle prizes. Your generosity is much appreciated.

BIRD WALK – Are you an early bird?

Then come along to our bird walk and talk on Saturday, meeting at the Hill Farm, Castle Frome, at 6.15am for a 6.30am start, when Ian McMillan will lead us around the farm where we hope to catch a glimpse and hear the music of the birds that frequent our village. The walk will take about 60 to 90 minutes and involve some uphill stretches. Please bring suitable footwear and clothing for the weather.

Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Cost: adults £5 and children £2.50, to include breakfast rolls and tea or coffee.

CHURCH – Sunday, May 24, Holy Communion Service at 8.30am at St Michael and All Angels Church, Castle Frome.