A HEREFORDSHIRE school has excellent behaviour and attendance because its pupils enjoy it so much.

That’s one of the findings made by Ofsted during an inspection of Kimbolton St James that noted how pupils described being at the school as “belonging to a family” and that parents welcomed the caring and safe environment.

The overall effectiveness of the school was rated as good with pupils by the end of Year 6 reaching above average standards in English, maths and science.

Standards in reading are consistently well above average, with information and communication technology preparing pupils well for the future.

The inspectors complimented the school on good teaching, leadership and management and its community links.

The report stated that the school had a clear set of values underpinning its ethos and outstanding spiritual and moral development of pupils.

The inspectors also said some children could be challenged to achieve higher academic levels. They also stated they would like pupils to have more opportunities to practise their writing skills in other subjects and activities.