CANTAL YFC - Cantal YFC held its annual meeting in Llanbister Community Centre on August 10, at which Nia Wilson took on the role of chairman, Steve Carter becoming secretary.

The club held a whist drive in Llanbister which turned out to be a huge success. Nia Wilson thanked Gwyn for being the caller and everyone who supported the event. Cantal YFC holds its new members’ evening at U-Strike, Newtown, on Monday.

CHURCH - Llanbister Church held a very successful fete recently. There was an art competition with a Christmas theme organised by Jane Taylor. This involved the children from the school. Winners were Harvey Samuel and Lauren Rees. The winning designs will be made into Christmas cards with proceeds from sales going to the church and the school. Homemade scarecrow competition winners were Lauren Rees and Olwen Bowen.

Olwen also won the longest nettle.

Football competition winners were James and Carl Lewis. There was a Chinese auction organised by Lil Lewis, Bronwen Lewis and Val Thomas with proceeds to Llananno Church.

There was a flower-guessing competition organised by Val Thomas, won by Rev Nigel Gower. Rev Andrew Loat presented the art and scarecrow prizes and thanked everyone involved in the afternoon’s activities.

MOTHERS’ UNION - Members attended the Deanery festival on September 14 at Cwmddwrdwr Church when Doris Lewis carried the banner. There will be a meeting on Wednesday with a short service remembering Mary Woosnam, a past member for many years who died recently. The service will be followed by the business meeting and tea in the Church Hall, Llanbister.