CAROL SERVICE - The Christmas carol service took place on December 23 at Llanbister Church, when the Rev Nick Finlay introduced himself and his wife, Julia. He then welcomed a good number of people, despite wintry weather.

MOTHERS’ UNION - Members of the Llandewi Branch were welcomed to the December meeting when the service was led by Canon Andrew Loat. At the business part of the meeting, apologies were received from Jane, Val, Anne, Doris, Joyce and Gwen. It was reported that members had visited Rhayader with Cwmdwddwr and Llanbadarn Fawr with Llandegley in November, enjoying both meetings. The January meeting will be the AGM on Wednesday, January 20, at 2pm in the church hall.

WHIST DRIVE - The annual Christmas whist drive took place in Llanbister Community Hall with Gwyn Morgan acting as MC. Winners were, ladies: first Shirley Evans, second: Jill Price, third: Edith Conway. Gents: first Felerie Davies, second: Hayne Jones, third: Phil Farmer. Miniature: first: Kath Williams and Jill Price, second: Bryan Morgan and Mair Jones. Room draw: Sue Price, Edith Conway, Sue Sutton (2), Haydn Jones, Andrew Loat and Alan Brick. Canon Andrew Loat thanked everyone for coming and all who donated prizes and provided and served refreshments. Pat Allen presented Gwyn with a basket of Christmas gifts, thanking him for all his help during the year. Winners of the printed draw included Colin Bowen, Jimmy Groves, David Hardwick, Edith Pugh, Doreen Wilding, Ivy Hughes, Rhiannon Mills, Gwen Farmer, Rhys Davies, Derek Hope, Sophie Lewis (2), Ruth Thomas, Owen Rowlands, Nia Rowlands, Angela Lewis, Ashley Jones, Anthony Williams and Jack Lydiate.