BORDERLINES FILM FESTIVAL - Next Thursday, March 11, at Pudleston Village Hall, curtain-up is at 7.30pm for The Grocer’s Son (certificate 12A).

Admission is £4 and £2.50 and a bar, tea and coffee will be available.

Enquiries to 01568 750349.

AN EVENING WITH THE OBOE - This will now be on Saturday when oboe types, reeds, history and demonstration pieces will be explained and played with an accompanist. It will be at 7.30pm in the village hall and tickets are £4 (under-18s £2) from Judy Middleton on 01568 760542. There will be the usual bar and snacks available.

GARDENING - Pudleston Gardening Club’s AGM will kick off the new season of meetings on Tuesday at 7.30pm, in the village hall. The programme of speakers and forthcoming visits to gardens and nurseries will be ready and subs are due. Tea, coffee and cakes are provided on the night.

New participants are very welcome.