CHURCH NEWS - Thanks to all those who helped in any way at the Lent Lunch on March 12, in the village centre.

Some 40 people attended, all the food was donated and it raised £260 for the Haiti Earthquake Appeal Fund.

On Thursday, April 1, everyone is invited to come along to an agape meal in the church. Please bring a plate of savoury and another of sweet food to share and enjoy with everyone. Please let Louise Manning on 01531 640821 know if you are coming and what food you intend to bring. Holy Communion will be celebrated on Easter Sunday at 9.30am. The next family praise service is on April 11, at 11.20am, and you are asked to come and tell the congregation about being scared or frightened.

The annual parochial church council meeting is on April 14, at 7.30pm, at the Hill Farm, Castle Frome, and all parishioners are welcome.