Goats Galore Animal Sanctuary in Bromyard has re-homed its first two goats.

Owner Jill Rollo said goodbye to pigmy goats Mimi and Larry, who have gone to Newent.

"Goats are re-homed on a loan basis, agreements are signed and I can go and visit to make sure they're being looked after," she said.

"We like to have some say on the animals' future."

The charity-run sanctuary, which currently looks after 50 goats as well as sheep, horses and poultry, has recently set up an internet shop on its website at www. goatsgalore.co.uk.

Organisers are also looking for any unwanted toys, books, jewellery or bric-a-brac to sell at car boot sales.

"We're run entirely by volunteers and all money we make goes into looking after the animals," said Mrs Rollo.

"Car boot sales are a major source of income for us."

Items can be collected by calling Jill Rollo on 01885 483724.

The sanctuary holds its AGM at Bromyard Public Hall on Wednesday, July 27 at 7pm.