LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET - on Saturday,a local produce market is being held in the village hall in aid of the new hall building project.

There will be food and produce stalls, crafts and plants from 10am-4pm. Entry is free.

EISTEDDFOD - the recent Longtown Eisteddfod, had a record number of entries.

Presidents, conductors, adjudicators and accompanists, together with competitors, including pupils from Longtown School shared in music and poetry.

The Peggy Watkins Cup was won by Rebecca Watkins, the Shield by Zoe Geraghty, The John Farr Cup was awarded to Glyn Davies and the Eva Page Cup presented to The Bryn Singers of Longtown.

Preparations are under way for the Longtown Festival of United Praise in the grounds of the primary school, if fine, if wet in Clodock Church.