SPRING LUNCH - Walford WI had a successful spring luncheon recently and welcome members old and new to come along to their meetings. Details by calling Margaret Corbett on 01989 768947.

PARISH COUNCIL - Walford Parish council will have their next meeting on Monday, July 11, at Bishopswood Village Hall at 7.30pm - all are welcome.

SCOUT GROUP - Walford Scout Group had their annual meeting recently and reported that the Beaver section is full and has a waiting list which can be reduced by more helpers. If anyone feels they can help in any way contact John Edwards on 01989 762224.

MILL RACE - An enjoyable evening was enjoyed by many of the village community for the official opening of the Mill Race in Walford and we wish Mr C and his staff every success!

HALF MARATHON -The playgroup organised a very successful half half marathon recently which was attended by more than 100 runners. It was lovely to see the determination and sheer glee to cross the finish line.