STRAWBERRY TEA - A Festive Strawberry Tea, in aid of St Mary's Magdalene School, will be held in the village hall on Saturday from 2.30pm until 5.30pm . Stalls include cakes, books, nearly new and raffle. The cost of the tea will be £4.

PARISH COUNCIL - At the annual meeting, the chairman Mr John Robinson reported that the main event in the village this year has been the construction of the new Roman Road. Thanks must go to County Councillor Bob Matthews, for all his effort in bringing this project forward and credit given to Alan Griffiths, the contractors for the efficient and co-operative way that they have handled the contract. Regarding the Cattle Market the council have yet to find out where the favoured site may be - although it might not even be in Stretton Sugwas. Mr Terry Welch was elected as the new chairman. Special thanks go to Shirley Williams for all her hard work as clerk.