HEART OF OAK SOCIETY -The Fownhope Heart of Oak Society will hold their annual Club Walk on Saturday June 11. The procession will be led by the A. W. Parker Drybrook Band, followed by the members carrying traditional club sticks (decorated floral sticks) and headed by the oak bough and banner.

To add even more colour, this year the event will be joined by the Silurian Morris men, who will be performing at each stop on the route.

The society has also organised a number of other events and everyone is welcome to participate.

On Sunday there will be children's sports on the recreation field starting at 2 p.m. entry free. This will be followed at 4 p.m. by the car treasure hunt, a fun adventure for all the family. This will start at the recreation field and entry is £5 per team.

The week will be rounded off with a quiz night on Friday, June 17, in the village hall, entry £10 per team including nibbles and a bottle of wine.

If you wish to enter the quiz or treasure hunt in advance contact Robin Peers on 01432 860584, otherwise just turn up - everyone welcome.