SUMMER EVENING - On Thursday, June 2, there was a PCC meeting at the home of Elizabeth Manning with the Rev Chris Fletcher to guide things and Doris Culshaw in the chair.

When various reports had been given and discussed the meeting then went on to finalise arrangements for the 'Summer Evening' to be held at St Michael's Church, Edwyn Ralph, on Sunday.

There will be an ample buffet in the marquee, a charge of £5 each will be made, less for children.

Inside there will be talks to be given by Robert Turner on the history of this medieval church.

Also in the church will be a display of artifacts found by Gerry Kennedy whilst metal detecting at the Pound.

In addition there will be interesting walks led be Peter Lewis round the moat field, the site of the village before the plague. By the marquee will be a book stall and a plant stall.