PARISH COUNCIL - Members of Kingstone and Thruxton parish council were updated on the progress of the planning application for a waste treatment plant at Stoney Street, Madley, and it was agreed that he should apply to make a presentation of the councils objections to the proposal to a planning committee meeting at Herefordshire Council. Local residents had complained about potholes in the road at Green Lane, outside the village hall and at Coldstone Cross. The chairman and clerk were in communication with Hereford Council regarding this and over litter, which has been deposited on the roads and verges during the winter months. Traffic calming was also discussed. There was a presentation by the chairman and Parish Footpaths Officer about the work to be carried out by the new Parish Paths Maintenance Officer.

COFFEE MORNING - The Spring coffee morning and table top sale are being held on Saturday, March 14, from 10am. Admission to both events is £1 to include coffee. Tables available for the Table Top sale cost from £3 to £8 - or share with a friend and increase the profits. This is a chance to clear out unwanted items. To reserve table space telephone 01547 540511.