ST MARY'S CHURCH - A group service is to be held at St Mary's, Dilwyn this Sunday at 10am. Every Tuesday, Holy Communion at 10.30am.

WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER - Dilwyn joins with the three churches in Weobley this year for a service that is prepared annually by a different country. This year's country is Panama, the guest speaker Mrs. Doreen Holmes. Churches in every country of the world hold this interdenominational service at the same time. Everyone is invited to join the congregation on Friday, March 5, at 10.30am in Weobley Methodist Church.

WI - Dilwyn WI have purchased a silver Presidents Brooch from the National Organisation to be worn its President during her year of office. Current President, Eleanor Wellings received the brooch from secretary Eileen Steward at this month's committee meeting. This is Eleanor's 3rd year in office. At the general meeting, it was agreed that the branch would run a 12-category competition at the Village Show on May 3. This will include cookery, flower arranging and craft. For entry enquiries contact Mary Dutton 01544 318256 or Eileen Steward 01544 318240. It was also agreed that the branch would hold a coffee morning in aid of The National Meningitis Trust at The Crown Inn on Saturday, March 6, from 10.30-12 pm, and a soup lunch on Saturday, March 27, between 12-2pm in the Cedar Hall. Guest speaker Merlys Aitchison demonstrated Applied Kinesiology, a three-in-one concept, (mind, body and spirit).