HEREFORD'S Mayor Ursula Attfield wielded a pair of giant scissors to cut the ribbon when performing the opening ceremony at McCarthy & Stone's Watkins Court retirement development in Old Mill Close, off Friar Street.

Councillor Attfield cut the ceremonial ribbon at the main entrance before joining the residents of Watkins Court for lunch.

There she met the Rev Felix Watkins, descendant of the famous photographer and antiquarian Alfred Watkins, after whom the development is named.

The Mayor said: "It was an enjoyable experience to perform the opening ceremony of Watkins Court. The atmosphere was friendly and relaxed and it was particularly enjoyable to meet Mr and Mrs Watkins.

"The safety and security which is such an important feature of Watkins Court is, I feel, enhanced by the feeling of continuity that Alfred Watkins' name gives to this development".

The development has been so popular - due to its central location and purpose-built facilities - that now only eight apartments remain for sale.