TODDLERS in a Herefordshire village have a windfall of well over £4,000.

Pencombe Under Fives has received £4,667 in the latest round of grants in the Lottery's Awards for All scheme.

The money will help the nursery pay for publicity, a launch, sweatshirts for staff, display boards, equipment and toys.

£5,000 goes to the Dilwyn Cedar Hall to improve staging facilities. The grant will pay for deck units, guard rails and steps.

A scheme at St Weonards School to run extra-curricular football and general fitness coaching for children has £5,000 and a similar amount goes to Whitbourne Coronation Hall, enabling a roof conversion for storage, glazed display frame, 20 chairs and a trolley for chairs.

Rail for Herefordshire has been awarded £4,750 for printing leaflets and newsletters, the creation of a website and venue hire and speakers.

Artist fees, workshop packs and postage will be paid for with the help of a £955 grant to Tete a Tete Productions Ltd, Hereford.

Herefordshire Carers Support Ltd has been awarded £4,983 for internet registration, computer hardware and software, installation, support and training costs.

A £5,000 grant has gone to Herefordshire Council for Voluntary Youth Groups. It will pay for the salary of a part-time development worker, travel costs, administration and accreditation registration and materials.