Congratulations - Leslie Evans recently celebrated his 91st birthday and a number of bell-ringers assembled to ring a peal for him. Leslie is still ringing peals himself regularly. Attempts are being made to recruit sufficient ringers for an Octogenarian Peal. If this is successful, the organiser is hoping that the peal will be rung in Eardisland in April.

RAMBLERS - More than 70 members of the Kington and Leominster rambling groups assembled in Eardisland on two successive days in December for walks led by Kathleen Freeman and Greta Pennington.

The Church - Attempts are being made to raise funds for the renovation of the churchyard wall on its northern boundary with St Mary's Walk. A three-course lunch is being held on February 29 in the village hall to raise funds for the church. Details and tickets from the Tea Rooms, or from Serena Askew (01544 388637)

Flower Festival - A flower festival will be held in early May. A fund raising social evening for the festival will be held on March 27 in the village hall. This will include Scottish Country Dancing. Details and tickets from Esther Simpson on 01544 3887641

WI FAIR - The annual WI Christmas Fair raised £770 to provide two extra Macmillan nurses for Herefordshire. The committee wishes to thank everyone who assisted and who contributed items and attended the fair.

Parish Council - Various highway matters were discussed at the recent meeting, especially traffic speeding through the village. The matter of the Nunn House footpath was raised. It is an issue subject to a county council meeting to be held shortly. A letter from the post office was read out asking if anyone would be interested in running a local post office. They would need premises from which to operate. A letter from DEFRA was read out reminding everyone that all horses and ponies must have a passport. At the meeting, Maryann Hanson stepped down from the post of parish clerk after 14 years in office. The chairman noted that she is owed an enormous debt of gratitude for all her work and input into the affairs of the community by everyone in the parish.

British Legion - The amount raised in Eardisland was £579. Mary Blatchford who organises the collection reports that she is grateful to all those who assisted in collecting the money and all those who donated to it.

Archaeology Group - A new display and exhibition has now been set up in two windows of the library in Hereford. This shows the work of the group at Burton Court and includes some of the rare items uncovered, such as a Norman gaming counter (the first found in Herefordshire) and a photograph of a Bronze Age dirk, found in the course of the work. Examples of medieval and Roman pottery are also on view. There is also a diagrammatic exposition of the layers through which the team have dug and examples and illustrations of the items found within the layers. Villagers are grateful to Liz Harbour and Pat Kay for their work in organising and setting up the display.