Congratulations - Jessica Selfe has recently passed her Grade 8 violin examination

Cricket Club - At the recent annual meeting, the officials appointed were Howard Davies, President; Martyn Connop, chairman; Derek Wareham, vice chairman; Bill Price, secretary; Claire Price, treasurer; Alan Munn, captain; Will Hicks and Alasdair Munn, vice captains. Claire and Alasdair will also act as fixture secretaries; i/c ground, David Gittoes. Committee members are Paul Selfe, Ian Watson, John Gittoes, Dick Preece; Malcolm Dyer; Gaynor Jones, Sam Gittoes, Joe Langstaffe and Paul, White Swan. The chairman congratulated those elected and expressed his gratitude to everyone who had assisted the club during the past season, which had been an enjoyable and successful one. He looked forward to further expansion of membership and the positive future prospects for the club. For details of membership contact Claire Price on 01544 388309. Repair work to the pavilion will take place in the coming weeks.

Social evening - A well-attended social evening in the White Swan raised a substantial sum for the cricket club. The fish supper was followed by a quiz organised by Paul and Liz. The club committee has extended thanks to them for arranging the event and everyone who supported it. Further events are also planned.

Archaeological Projects Group - There is a display of the major finds from the work of the group being undertaken at Burton Court, in Hereford Library window. This includes artefacts and photographs to illustrate the range of items uncovered and a description of the project. The display will be in place for a month.

Oral History Group - Plans are in hand for a new publication and a new video. Recent requests for information about family members with connection with Eardisland have been received from researchers looking into the Bassett family (who once ran the White Swan) and the Derry family (also thought to have been in the village in the 1870s). Some information relating to the Bassetts has been uncovered but none regarding the Derry family. Anyone with information is being asked to contact Paul Selfe 01544 388571.