OUR household only has one car, and when that is not available, I cycle.

The route from Hereford out to Madley may not seem that bad in a car - a bit twisty, with a few hills, but I invite anyone associated with this proposal to try it on a push bike.

The climbs up from the Cagebrook, and up to Bowling Green Farm are long and slow, and when you travel slowly on a push bike you tend to 'wobble a bit'. It is ironic therefore the road should be at it narrowest and most dangerous at these points.

Given the HGV movements involved, I guesstimate that four HGVs will attempt to overtake me on these hills.

This is not good news for any cyclist - even one that has got off and is walking.

There is nothing like hearing the hiss of air brakes, the groan from a stressed suspension, and the crunch of gravel to ready the body for a thump from behind.

I'm sure that if this proposal goes ahead, then the number of people killed on this road will increase, and to be absolutely blunt, I'd rather not be one of them.


Cublington, Madley.