I HAD to write and tell you how amusing I found Eddie Clark's letter (January 8) regarding the fact that my political career was in the bin before I have started.

I was born into and grew up in this constituency, as a child I used Leominster Pool as it was the closest one to my home and I fully appreciate its loss.

One thing I can promise Mr Clark is that being only 33 years old, God willing, I will be around to see much water run under familiar bridges and through the new Leominster Swimming Pool!

As for Mr Wiggin, I do wonder if he ever knew where the pool was, working in London as a banker. No-one seems to know much about him.

Remaining on the water theme I can assure Mr Clark I will be looking for lots of fish to fry - best wishes to Mr Clark and his party. Me and my gang are here to stay.

Caroline Williams,

Lib Dem Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Leominster