THE cost of a Rotherwas relief road is now being estimated at around £8.5 million.

Herefordshire Council says at least another £2 million has been added to the project's estimated cost.

The increase, according to the council, is down to a number of factors including inflation, new taxes, traffic calming measures on Holme Lacy Road, additional environmental work and the need to acquire more land.

But for all its troubles the road remains on track, said Councillor Mike Wilson, cabinet member for highways and transportation.

The Government's decision not to back the project this year, and the size of the increase in cost, was disappointing, he said.

"Herefordshire Council is committed to this road and it's still on track for construction in 2006," he said.

The council was looking at alternative sources of funding in case this year's bid for Government money - due by July - failed as well, he said.

To make sure that did not happen, all parties with an interest in the road needed to present a united front to Westminster and Whitehall.

l Though no cash was coming this year, Government has given the Rotherwas relief road Work in Progress status.

The official line from Whitehall reads: "While we recognise the importance of providing a suitable access to the Rotherwas Industrial estate, the submitted appraisal for this scheme raises a number of other issues which require further consideration...

"In order for Ministers to consider the scheme for funding next December we would expect a finalised scheme appraisal to be submitted in July 2004 along with the Local Transport Plan progress report."