MEMBERS of the Three Cocks Vintage Society held their December meeting at The Harp Inn, Glasbury when money raised at their Annual Steam and Vintage Rally in August was presented to local charities. The total sum was in excess of £2,500. Air ambulances were two of the main recipients. The county one which covers the borders received a cheque for £500 from Mr Alan Bowen. Mrs Barbara Gayther who accepted the money gave a brief resume of the work of the ambulance and how they were entirely dependent on donations to keep it flying. Lord Richard Livsey accepted the cheque for £500 on behalf of the Wales ambulance from Mr David Evans. He praised the work of the society over the past 25 years and their contribution to charities. Clyro Church has recently set up an appeal to help fight a dry rot problem and to repair their organ. A sum of £500 for this appeal was given to Captain Andrew Gibson Watt by the secretary Mrs Margaret James. Captain Gibson Watt thanked them for their most generous donation. The last main cheque of £250 was presented to Mr Philip Pritchard by Mr Cliff Havard for Rhosgoch Football Club. This club has members from a wide area. Money is needed to provide equipment and transport to matches and for the general day to day expenses. Smaller amounts had already been paid to local charities. Refreshments were served by The Harp which concluded a very pleasant evening.