St. Mary's Church - This Sunday there will be a group service at Eyton at 10am.

WI AGM - Two new committee members were elected for Dilwyn WI, Erica Creer and Rose Thomas. President Eleanor Wellings was re-elected for her third year, with Eileen Steward as secretary and Dot Tether as treasurer. The help of 30 members at Dilwyn Show had been much appreciated. Other charities supported were Muscular Dystrophy, Talking Books for the Blind, and Macmillan Nurses. Finances were reasonably healthy but a fund-raising event will be needed in the coming year. On the social side, they visited the theatre in the spring and Bodenham Wines in the summer. Three members had attended Denman College in October, with bursaries from the WI and others were urged to follow suit, as it was a most enjoyable experience. The packing of 30 shoeboxes filled with goodies for the children in Eastern Europe has just been completed ready for Christmas. The December meeting will be a Christmas Dinner for members at The Hickory Stick.