HEREFORD Cathedral plays host to a diverse exhibition of paintings and photographs produced by locally-based artists this month.

During 2002, painter David Eatwell travelled to locations in Crete, Greece and Germany as well as the Black Mountains, where his talent has been allowed to develop naturally and boldly in representational abstract.

He has recently enjoyed his seventh successful painting exhibition at the Lower Nupend Gallery in Malvern.

The reality within the images from the work of acclaimed photographer C.A. Yarranton-Hall has gathered interest in the world of architecture and churches around the county.

Her series of photographic images capture not only the social history of early settlers and craftsmen at Kilpeck but also demonstrates the professionalism in creating life from the essentially 12th century corbels that adorn the roof-line of the Church of St Mary and St David.

With inspiration from the village of Vira in the French Pyrenees, comes the A-Z of the Kingdom of Heaven. Through his ideas for an illustrated children's book, R. S. Murrin has developed a series of fascinating paintings.

Within his creativity, he has taken each letter from the alphabet and forged a link between Jesus on the subject of the kingdom and the alphabetical symbol.

Viewing times are Mon to Sat from 9.30am to 5.00pm and Sun from 12.15pm to 3.00pm. Times may vary. For details contact 01432 374200.