IS IT all in the name? When Government 'departments' became 'directorates', I got the word confused with 'dictator-ship'.

When our local council created a 'Cabinet' I got the word confused with 'private inner circle'. When the milk 'co-operatives' were talked about I thought it meant 'co- operation'. It is funny how power and money can change the meaning of words and their names.

Our 'directorates' like to control! From teaching by numbers (set and patrolled by them) to DEFRA's 'Investigation Officers' (set to catch all those criminals running our farms!) they are all powerful.

Our local cabinet also like to control. They closed down swimming pools, like cars and do not seem to like to listen to the people, or is that just the other elected councillors?

Then our milk 'co op-eratives' act like the council talking to 'The Pied Piper of Hamlin'. Beware we might all lose our children maybe it will be our fresh milk?

B Sommer,

Little Overton, Ludlow.