A VISION for improvements to Newent is about to be presented to 5,000 households in the town.

The Newent Initiative is planning to spell out its proposals for future projects in a strategic plan being published at the end of September.

A total of £3,500 will be spent producing the plan in brochure form and delivering copies to 5,000 homes in the area.

Mayor Fred Passant, who is chairman of the Newent Initiative group, said: "We're saying, we've done all this work and this is the plan.

"If you disagree with it, or think that we have missed something out, please tell us. We will bring in partners, for funding and in other ways, to move things forward."

Schemes in the plan include better town centre paving, improving transport links between outlying villages and Newent, creating new play areas and upgrading existing facilities, reviewing youth facilities in town and improving the CCTV system.

Working parties could also be formed to carry out improvements to Newent Arboretum and the wooded footpaths around Newent Lake.

Another aim of the plan will be to find somewhere for a new tourist information centre.

The Newent Initiative Group had hoped to spend £200,000 buying the Grade II listed Albion House, in the town centre, and turning it into a new TIC.

The existing facility, in Church Street, is considered to be too small and its opening hours are restricted.

Speaking in July, after the Albion House deal fell though, Coun Passant said: "We'll be looking at alternatives, such as renting or leasing, but we need a large premises to make it viable. We'll be looking at all available premises in the centre of town."

They hope to find one in time for an Easter launch.