Ledbury Hunt Pony Club have made it a double, having qualified a team for the National Showjumping Championships at Sansaw Park earlier this week, they also qualified for the Horse Trials National Pony Club Championships to be held at the same location the following day.

The team, Paul Whitehead, aged 15, on Jump the Q, Charlotte Jeffes, 15, on Gaelic Spirit, Jessica Garton, 18, on Welton Endeavour and Lydia Osborne, 13, on An Buachaill Liath Bertie won the Area Championship hosted by the Ledbury Hunt Pony Club at Gadbury, Eldersfield from an entry of 21 team in Area 9 (Area 10 had four team entries).

Charlotte Jeffes and Paul Whitehead also won their sections as individuals.

Charolotte and Gaelic Spirit (who is only 14.1hh) qualified to ride in both the showjumping and horse trials teams.