OPEN GARDEN - Sue Vaughan opened her garden to the public on Sunday, August 3, to raise funds for the Busoga Trust, to build a well in a Ugandan village. Money had been raised in the Skenfrith area but not quite enough for a complete well, which costs £2,000. Sue opened her garden to raise what was needed for Skenfrith and district's own well. It was a gorgeous day and a lot of people visited the garden. Sue has been developing her garden for about three years and it was looking lovely on Sunday. Two enormous borders lie on either side as one enters the garden from the stone flagged terrace and these were full of interesting plants. Then there were two wild areas, new plantings of fruit trees and a vegetable garden. At the far end of the garden were some magnificent oak trees by the brook and some huge rocks had been put there, like standing stones. Frances David and Kath Hesketh, who are both involved with the Busoga Trust and who both visit Africa every year, ran a plant stall. There were interesting and unusual plants for sale. Teas and soft drinks were available and visitors sat in shady spots enjoying these refreshments. It was an enormously successful afternoon. On Monday Frances David said that £675 had been raised. This means that there is enough money now to complete one well and about £500 towards another. The organisers and especially Sue who has worked so hard on her garden are delighted.

GOLDEN VALLEY CRAFTS - are coming to Skenfrith for three days during the bank holiday weekend, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, August 23, 24 and 25. They are planning to set their crafts out as an exhibition and a few of the crafts people will be present each day. The crafts will be for sale, maybe it is a good time to start thinking of Christmas presents! The hall will be open each day from about 10am and refreshments will be available, supplied and served by members of the hall committee and friends.

SKENFRITH HALL - Table Sale for St Michael's Hospice, Hereford, in Skenfrith Hall will be on Saturday and Sunday, August 30 and 31, from 10am on both days. Mary Thomas and Anne Price have worked for St. Michael's Hospice for many years, as volunteers, raising money for this very good cause. They first started as volunteer fundraisers when the Hospice was the Freda Pearce Foundation. Mary, with help from Kath Jasper, is organising this summer table sale in Skenfrith Parish Hall and she asks for your support. Tables can be rented at £4 for one day and £6 for two days. Mary and Kath hope that a lot of people will have tables. Please ring Kath Jasper on 01600 750361 or Mary Thomas on 01600 750240 and if you would like to book a table or if you have any queries. There will be a raffle to raise extra funds and any raffle prizes would be most welcome and greatly appreciated.