SAVE THE CHILDREN -- The annual Save the Children Day will be held at Oakland, Almeley Road, Eardisley, by invitation of John Mokler, on October 13. There will be SCF Christmas gifts, cards and calendars for sale, in addition to cakes and produce and other items. Children's needs throughout the world are increasing daily, so we hope many people will support this deserving cause. Further details on 01544 327397.

WHIST DRIVES -- Almeley hall committee resumed its fortnightly whist drives in September. MC Mario Battenti welcomed the players and presented prizes to Mrs B Lane, Mrs B Baker, Mrs S Oliver, Mrs M Pritchard and Mrs J Meredith. The next whist drive is on October 9 at 7.45pm.

YOGA -- A 10-week course of yoga began in Almeley Village Hall in September.

HARVEST FESTIVAL -- The Harvest Festival will be held at St Mary's Church, Almeley, tomorrow and will be followed by the Harvest Supper, also in the church.