TOUGH measures could soon be introduced to clamp down on noisy drinkers disturbing the peace in a well-known Hereford graveyard, writes JONATHAN LAND.

Herefordshire Council is considering introducing new powers to curb anti-social behaviour after receiving a petition highlighting concerns over intimidation at the John Venn burial site between Commercial Road and Canal Road.

Two other areas - the Castle Green and the rear of Coningsby Hospital - have also been identified by the council's regulatory committee. Before the powers can be introduced, Herefordshire Council must carry out a 28-day consultation with the public.

If given the go-ahead, the new legislation will make it a criminal offence for people to drink alcohol in specified public places.

Paul Nicholas, the council's senior environmental health officer, said: "The committee agreed to take steps to bring in controls similar to those already in place in other parts of Hereford and some of the market towns."