MORE police officers on the beat, a better deal for youth and the need to plug a big gap - a lack of entertainment - were among calls made in Leominster at a public 'brainstorming' session on the town's future, writes PETE BLENCH.

Residents joined in enthusiastically in a cluster of round-table discussions at the town forum organised by Leominster Regeneration Company. They took a candid look at Leominster's strengths and weaknesses, potential threats and golden opportunities.

Regeneration programme manager Andy Winder said it was the first time the forum had tried out the novel format and it had provided a number of useful pointers for the future.

He told the meeting that £4.54 million of Leominster's £11 million regeneration budget had been spent on a range of improvements and innovations. The 'flagship project' - the industrial estate extension and new access road - was now in the pipeline.

A 28-week contract to construct the new road was now underway.

Mr Winder said a scheme to floodlight the Priory Church was out for tender and it was hoped the work would be completed in the first quarter of next year. Work was also about to start on the town's Millennium Green, bordering the churchyard. Other initiatives would include promotional material for traders, business training and a new town trail.